Dunnings' Class
A Website dedicated to World History Content.

Why is this class different?
I spend a great deal of time trying to show students why all of this information matters to them. My approach to this is two-fold. First, I try to show the complexity of history through connecting what historians do to sifting through current events to try to find the relative truth. This process allows students to realize that history is far more malliable than they walk into class thinking. Second, I try to show them the many times that this content is seen in pop culture, so that they understand that they will see this information in their lives.
Analyze History
I do my best to get students to think critically about what we learn. Once we get past the basics, we move on to what lessons to take from these issues. The thematic units give students the opportunity to find the answers to current questions using history as a guide.
Lessons From History

International Travel?
How different would international travel be if you got to go with your friends to these locations?
I generally try to take an international trip every other year to locations which the students in class help to choose. Our current trip is set for the summer of 2021 and we will be hitting Spain, Italy and Greece.