Unit 1
10,000 BCE – 600 CE
Unit Chapters
Critical Thinking Essay
A few years have passed from your sophomore year and you are voting in your first presidential election. The election has been controversial especially since we are at war with the country of ___________. Each candidate has explained how he will win this war that we have declared, but haven’t really started the fighting for.
Assignment Overview:
Evaluate the strategy of each candidate and choose which one you would vote for based only on what they say they will use as a strategy. You will be graded on your ability to support your decision of who to vote for with facts from ancient history.
Essay Prompt:
Using your knowledge of warfare tactics from ancient world history, which of the following candidates would you support if you were basing this completely on your knowledge of ancient/classical war tactics? Justify your answer with as many historical facts as you can.
Candidate Positions:
Candidate A: We are the most powerful military on earth! We simply need to use our superior numbers and technology and we will be victorious.
Candidate B: We need to find allies to help us in this war so that we don’t have to worry about fighting the entire war ourselves. If we invade this country from multiple directions and many allies, this war should be much more successful.
Candidate C: We have a tendency to overestimate our strength. I don’t want to act like I have all the answers. If I become President I will listen to my top generals and develop a strategy that is best so that we lose as little of our soldiers as possible.