Student Resources

Due to the fact that my class is largely computer based, each of you need to get an idea of what is on this website. It has a load of information that will allow each of you to successfully navigate this course as the material we cover becomes more in depth. Each chapter that we cover will have notes connected to it that you will be expected to read and use in studying. It is NOT recommended that you simply google answers for 2 reasons. 1) Unless you go to education websites its highly likely that you get information that is not factual. 2) Even if you go to education websites they may not focus on the information I will test you on. For these reasons I would highly recommend that you use my notes for all studying.

You will also be held accountable for understanding the format that I will use in grading your essays. Since essays will be such a large portion of your content mastery grades it is highly recommended that you look through the material on the writing page that is linked below. As always it is a focus of mine for you to develop YOUR OWN voices in analysis, so please understand no opinion will be frowned upon as long as you can justify your opinion factually.

Why Study History?

Obviously as a history teacher I am of the opinion that learning history is important. The amount of use that one can gain from the people in the past is quite important to the development of the future in my opinion, and contrary to popular opinion it actually amazes me how this knowledge guides my actions on a day to day basis. This question has been answered in a multitude of ways by numerous scholars that I will provide links for below but I would like to add my own interpretation before doing so. To me there are two reasons that aren’t often talked about that are the quintessential reasons to study history.

1) Our race is technologically and socially where it is because of developments in the past. In fact, every class is a history class of sorts because you are learning from the experiences of others. For this reason, the learning of history is a means to create a better world for the future. As a father this is a very important concept to me because I would like to leave a better world for my daughter than I inherited. Without the knowledge we give to our youths we would still be living in the stone age and with it we have reached unthinkable heights as a species.

2) I am often confronted with the question of why students need to learn history when it is constantly at their fingertips due to access with the internet. In my opinion this actually makes it MORE important to learn history because of the sheer volume of misinformation that is placed on the internet. Students have to have a basis of knowledge and an understanding of real historical research moving forward or they may fall victim to those that would like to manipulate history for propaganda purposes. This can easily be combated through knowledge of true scholarly positions and full immersion into research techniques that students will need as adults.

Outside of my own personal reasons for teaching history there have been some VERY well established historical thinkers that have taken up the concept and given their interpretations on why history is important to students. Below are some of my favorites.

Geography In World History?